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Research Library

Year of Publication
Year of Data Collection

September, 2022

American Parents’ Perceptions of Child Explicit Image Sharing

August, 2022

The Role of Caregivers: Safeguarding & Enhancing Youth Resilience Against Harmful Sexual Encounters Online

April, 2022

Online Grooming: Examining Risky Encounters Amid Everyday Digital Socialization

November, 2021

Self-Generated Child Sexual Abuse Material: Youth Attitudes and Experiences in 2020

May, 2021

Responding to Online Threats: Minors’ Perspectives on Disclosing, Reporting, and Blocking

August, 2020

Self-Generated Child Sexual Abuse Material: Attitudes and Experiences

May, 2019

Rethinking the Detection of Child Sexual Abuse Imagery on the Internet

March, 2018

Production & Active Trading of Child Sexual Exploitation Image Depicting Identified Victims

January, 2018

Survivor Insights: the Role of Technology in Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking

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